On 27 April, Professor Matt Baillie Smith joined the online “Volunteer Tourism Conversation Series” jointly hosted by the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management at Leeds Beckett University and the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research (ATLAS).
This webinar was part of a series of conversations in which two different experts have discussed each other’s work to provide cutting-edge insights into recent theoretical, methodological and empirical advancements in the field of volunteer tourism and international development.
Professor Matt Baillie Smith joined the first conversation alongside Dr Giovanna di Matteo from Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy and they focused on the topic of Theoretical Advancements in this field of study and practice. During his presentation, Matt presented the academic paper “Rethinking Volunteering and Cosmopolitanism: Beyond Individual Mobilities and Personal Transformations” as well as learning from the Refugee Youth Volunteering Uganda project on the multiple meanings and implications of volunteering amongst displaced communities.
The online recording of the event is available in this link.