On 10 October, Dr Bianca Fadel was invited as a guest speaker in the webinar series “The Common Good – Creating a Sustainable Future through Volunteering” convened by the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE).
In 2024, the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) will organise its 27th IAVE World Volunteer Conference on the theme “People Power: Creating a Sustainable Future through Volunteering”. As the conference will focus on the future landscape of and for volunteering, IAVE has convened the webinar series “The Common Good – Creating a Sustainable Future through Volunteering” where invited presenters (two academics and two practitioners per webinar) set out their views on what volunteering for the common good means to them and how this relates to creating a sustainable future through volunteering. Including how volunteers are contributing to tackling the challenges facing our communities and our world.
On the 10th of October, Dr Bianca Fadel joined this IAVE webinar series to present on “Volunteering and Everyday Life in Crises and Emergencies”, sharing highlights from community volunteering experiences in Burundi, volunteering and climate adaptation in India, and RYVU evidence on volunteering among young refugees in Uganda.
During her talk, Dr Fadel shared key findings from the RYVU project, particularly explaining how the high rates of volunteering participation amongst young refugees in Uganda unearthed by the RYVU data contrast with narratives claiming that the ‘poor’ cannot volunteer, and the need for community volunteering in this context to be seen as part of complexity of livelihoods strategies.
The discussion was moderated by Dr Amjad Saleem, Manager at the Volunteering, Youth and Education Development Unit of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and attended by over 30 participants across the world.
Dr Amjad Saleem (Moderator) and Dr Bianca Fadel (Speaker) joining the webinar series “The Common Good – Creating a Sustainable Future through Volunteering” on the 10th of October 2023.